It's All About Health & Fitness
Past History of this show
Dr. Vicki Haywood Doe created in 2002, “It’s All About Health & Fitness”- Vicki Doe Fitness, a syndicated health and wellness radio show which focused on nutrition, exercise, and health. It became popular because of the many remarkable guests and health experts that would come and visit the show giving a wealth of knowledge and expertise.
She also had a favorite segment of the show where she would pump up the “oldies but goodies” tunes and have folks up and exercising in their homes or wherever they were tuned in. Those were the “good ole days”!
The show has evolved into podcast episodes and an additional host. The Vicki Doe Fitness podcast show “It's All About Health & Fitness” features Dr. Vicki Haywood Doe, Ph.D., ACSM-EP a certified exercise physiologist, health wellness coach, and nutrition educator, and her co-host, Dr. Virginia Dee Banks MD, MBA, an infectious diseases specialist, internal medicine physician, and speaker.
They discuss and talk with other health professionals, and the community at large; on topics and issues that focus on the prevention and the management of chronic diseases through evidence-based medicine including nutrition, exercise, healthy living, and total well-being. They also give their unique perspectives on the everyday living “hot topics” in the community and the nation as a whole.
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We have a global reach which extends to 50 countries. Thank you to Dr. Vicki and Dr. Dee. Well done! Let's continue our service and message of health and well-being.
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As a Premium Member, you will have access to our 100 plus first and PAST episodes which started in 2014.
(Archive- Episode #1-#102)
You will also have exclusive subscriber premium member-only episodes of our additional NEW podcast
“From the Desk of Dr. Vicki Doe”
(coming soon -YouTube LIVE streaming podcast)
In these episodes, Dr. Vicki Haywood Doe will focus on special health fitness topics, and answer your most common health fitness questions!
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It's All About Health & Fitness
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And as always keep listening, sharing, and checking us out!
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In the studio, where the magic happens!

Dr. Vicki Haywood Doe in the “hot seat”-
Live- Bonus: Food Culture and our community
Taped- March 10, 2021
LIVE- in the community!
We support our African American men at the Wellness Walk
6th Annual African American Male Wellness Walk-2018
Breast Cancer Awareness Event-2018
African American Male Wellness Walk- 2016
We are at the Citywide 365 Kwanzaa-2017 in Columbus, OH
Citywide Columbus 365 Kwanzaa-2018
Citywide Columbus 365 Kwanzaa 2019
Keep listening, sharing, and checking us out!
To support this Website, Podcast, and all of our other health fitness educational media content,
Haywood Doe Consulting Co. LLC