Our Founder & CEO/Health Fitness Director
Vicki Haywood Doe Ph.D., ACSM-EP-certified exercise physiologist, health wellness coach, nutrition educator
Medical Consultant
Nathaniel S Doe MD, FACP- medical healthcare provider/hypertension and kidney specialist
Nutrition Consultant
Anne H Gilstrap MS, RD, LD- Registered and licensed dietitian
Virtual Assistance Administrator
Yvonne Mathis, Executive MBA– The Mathis Group, LLC
Public Relations Consultant
Natalie Doe- MA
Other staff and consultants
We have an independent professional healthcare and fitness network of trained educators, certified exercise physiologists, nutritionists, health fitness graduate assistants/students, independent contractors, medical exercise professionals and medical healthcare providers that partner with us.
What is an exercise physiologist? How can they help me?
An exercise physiologist is an allied health professional who specializes in the benefits of exercise to help clients get healthier and fit and to treat clients with medical conditions through exercise. They can prescribe a course of exercises for either fitness or rehabilitation. Exercise physiologists work with clients with medical conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, lung disease, and other chronic conditions to regain their health and quality of life.
Contact us for more information.