By Gabe Sanders PhD, NSCA-CSCS Consuming high sugary foods is detrimental to weight loss. You (only you) need to determine what works best for you so that you can reduce or eliminate sweets and processed high sugary foods from your diet; in order to maximize your weight loss results.
Regular exercise and NEAT movements improve weight loss
By Gabe Sanders PhD, NSCA-CSCS NEAT can be as simple as the amount of calories you burn walking from the car to work, or washing the dishes and getting the mail. The activities that you do throughout the day matter and they can significantly impact your health over time.
Maintain Don’t Gain this holiday season
By Gabe Sanders PhD, NSCA-CSCS The problem with gaining 1-2 pounds during the holiday season is that most people do not lose that weight at the beginning of the new year. Therefore, your goal this holiday season should be “Maintain, don’t gain!”
How much protein do I need?
By Gabe Sanders PhD, NSCA-CSCS The problem with eating a large amount protein in one sitting is that your body will only absorb and use a certain amount of that protein consumed; the rest of the calories from the protein will be stored as fat.
Give Weight Loss a Chance: Success comes with time
By Gabe Sanders PhD The reality of healthy weight loss is that it isn’t easy and it takes time. There are no quick, easy solutions. The best solution to weight loss is patient and consistent diet and exercise change.
Healthy Eating with the DASH diet plan
By Vicki Haywood Doe PhD, ACSM-EP-C The DASH diet is one of the most well-researched diet plans and has been proven to help control/ prevent hypertension (high blood pressure) or pre-hypertension.