By Gabe Sanders Ph.D., NSCA-CSCS There are things you can do daily to give your body a chance for success to fight off any type of viral or bacterial infection. The key to doing this is to boost your immune system.
“Palforzia” the peanut allergy drug is here!
By Gabe Sanders Ph.D., NSCA-CSCS The FDA has approved the immunotherapy which is designed to be dosed in three phases, an initial dose-escalation, then an up-dosing phase followed by the maintenance phase.
Sweeteners and Food Triggers may lead to Weight Gain
By Gabe Sanders Ph.D., NSCA-CSCS Consuming more sweeteners can mess up your body’s ability to metabolize and use nutrients on a daily basis. Whether you drink a lot of diet pop, sugar-free candy, etc., it is not the greatest for your metabolism.
Plant vs. Meat-Based Diets: Which is Better?
By Gabe Sanders Ph.D., NSCA-CSCS Whether you are on one side of the debate or the other, everyone should know that there may be benefits to both types of food sources, and the optimal diet is likely a balance between the two extremes.
Eat and exercise your way to a healthy microbiome
By Gabe Sanders PhD, NSCA-CSCS Two factors primarily drive the health of the human microbiome and those two factors are diet and exercise.
Does your diet protect against Alzheimer’s disease?
By Gabe Sanders PhD, NSCA-CSCS Research suggests the Mediterranean diet may play a central role in preventing brain degenerative diseases.
What is Food Addiction and Overeating Anonymous?
Gabe Sanders PhD, NSCA-CSCS Few people view obesity or overweight as an addiction issue. Addictions are often thought of as problems for drug addicts, not obese people.
Eat a tomato after exercise?
By Gabe Sanders PhD, NSCA-CSCS
Research suggests that tomato-based foods, oat-based protein, and other multi-ingredient supplements can also reduce muscle damage after exercise
Just Eat the Whole Egg!
By Gabe Sanders PhD, NSCA-CSCS
Whole eggs are considered one of the most complete proteins you can consume.