By Isaac Floyd BS Some people have conquered the successful habits to weight loss, and this behavior comes naturally to them, others not so much.
Change your genetics with diet and exercise
By Gabe Sanders PhD, NSCA-CSCS The day in and day out lifestyle habits do not just affect your physical body that you see, they may even alter the genetic code in your body and in every cell.
Don’t Let Erectile Dysfunction Slow You Down; Try this exercise routine!
By Larnie Zellner BS With modifications to lifestyle such as diet and exercise, men may see positive significant benefits in erectile dysfunction as well as cardiovascular health. Don’t let ED negatively affect your life.
Have your New Year’s resolutions gone stale? Here are some tips.
By Jonathon Stavres PhD, ACSM-EP-C Your New Year’s resolution should help to define the new person that you want to be, but it shouldn’t restrict you to only getting to that point by one path. These tips will help you reach your goals this year.
How to Weight Train for Size, Strength, and Endurance
By Jonathon Stavres PhD, ACSM-EP-C In order to increase muscular hypertrophy, the NSCA recommends performing three or more sets of 8-12 repetitions of 67-80% of a 1RM with 30-90 seconds of rest.
A Simple Workout: Walk Walk Walk
By Jonathon Stavres PhD, ACSM-EP-C Walking is generally overlooked when someone considers moderate intensity exercise. However, walking can be very beneficial.
Want the fountain of youth? Try Diet, Exercise, and Relaxation
By Gabe Sanders PhD, NSCA-CSCS While the aging process is an inevitable cycle, there are plenty of lifestyle habits you can engage in to improve the way you feel, regardless of your biological age.
Exercise for breast cancer patients and survivors; Try this!
By Gabe Sanders PhD, NSCA-CSCS Regular exercise may be just as important for a myriad of reasons in both breast cancer patients and survivors.
Why Are You Exercising?
By Gabe Sanders PhD, NSCA-CSCS