By Gabe Sanders Ph.D., NSCA-CSCS Diet derailment syndrome occurs when you begin a diet and you stick to that diet; then you encounter an event in which food is abundant and the food available lacks healthy options!
Is Intermittent Fasting Right For You?
By Gabe Sanders Ph.D., NSCA-CSCS Intermittent fasting is a strategy and there are multiple strategies possible to achieve the possible health benefits of intermittent fasting.
Calorie Intake..Plant-based vs. animal-based diet conundrum!
By Gabe Sanders Ph.D., NSCA-CSCS In the world of health and fitness, the debate rages on which diet is better, plant-based or animal-based diets.
Sugar, ADHD, and trouble with Sleep?
by Gabe Sanders Ph.D., NSCA-CSCS Excessive sugar in the diet can result in a “sugar crash” which negatively effects energy, cognitive function, and for adults, it can disrupt daily productivity.
Protect Against COVID with Vitamin D
by Gabe Sanders Ph.D., NSCA-CSCS Current research is suggesting that vitamin D may have the ability to act as a powerful antiviral ingredient that may serve as natural medicine
Should I eat carbs and protein to prevent muscle loss as I age?
By Gabe Sanders Ph.D., NSCA-CSCS Daily physical activity combined with exercise and strength training is enough to maintain muscle, but there are other ways in which you can contribute to positive aging via increasing muscle mass, strength, and power as you age.
Olive oil and Exercise: A recipe for success
By Gabe Sanders Ph.D., NSCA-CSCS New research suggests the combination of olive oil and exercise can improve cardiovascular disease risk factors and overall body fat.
Are you Vitamin D Deficient?
By Gabe Sanders Ph.D., NSCA-CSCS While there is a long list of different vitamins that are important, some professionals believe vitamin D is at the top of the list.
COVID-19…Load up on health foods and nutraceuticals!
By Gabe Sanders Ph.D., NSCA-CSCS Eating a balanced diet is key to boosting your immune system because it ensures your body is supercharged with all the essential nutrients it needs… If you are wondering how you can supercharge your body with essential nutrients, maybe you should look into nutraceuticals.