By Gabe Sanders PhD, NSCA-CSCS Consuming these foods can immediately improve your health and well-being. Even more important, long-term consumption of fruits and vegetables can provide long-term health advantages that reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease, cancers, obesity and other chronic diseases.
Maintain weight… Use the glycemic index
By Gabe Sanders PhD, NSCA-CSCS Foods low on the glycemic index are often healthier because they regulate your blood sugar to a greater extent than foods high on the glycemic index.
Processed carbs have negative inflammatory health effects
By Gabe Sanders PhD, NSCA-CSCS Moderate fruit consumption is healthy and full of nutrients even though it has a higher sugar content than vegetables and grains. Plant-based carbohydrates can help prevent heart disease, boost your immune system and provide you with daily energy.
Sweet-tea and Soda-pop: How Much Do You Drink?
By Gabe Sanders PhD, NSCA-CSCS If you have no idea how much sugar-sweetened beverages you drink now is the time to educate yourself and become aware of how much you are consuming!
Intermittent Dieting May Help You Sustain Weight Loss!
By Gabe Sanders PhD, NSCA-CSCS Intermittent energy restriction and appears to be an effective solution to long term, continuous dieting.
New Research Alert!-Long-term caloric restriction works!
By Gabe Sanders PhD, NSCA-CSCS Research suggests that long-term moderate caloric deficits can help you lose body fat without decreases in muscle mass and cardiovascular fitness, if you continue to exercise regularly.
What are the Benefits of Proteins, Carbs, and YES ..Fats?
By Gabe Sanders PhD, NSCA-CSCS I am here to tell you, with plenty of research to back me up, that dietary fat is good for you and some fat is even essential for your health.
Biotin: Hidden Hair Treasure or Fools Gold?
By Isaac Floyd BS Biotin has been shown to strengthen hair skin and nails, but like many vitamins, biotin is better for you in its natural form.
What the research says about fad diets
By Gabe Sanders PhD, NSCA-CSCS A current review of scientific literature has made some recommendations regarding fad diets and their effect on body composition.