By Gabe Sanders Ph.D., NSCA-CSCS Many people have perceived exercise as a chore, an unwanted task that they need to fit into their daily schedule. It is low on their priority list and therefore, exercise is the first habit they drop. People stop exercising because they believe it takes up too much time or quite […]
Moderate-Vigorous Physical Activity is Best! But What Is It?
By Gabe Sanders Ph.D., NSCA-CSCS According to recent research and other physical activity promotion experts, moderate-vigorous physical activity is the most ideal form of activity to enhance physical fitness and overall health.
Exergames and fitness for kids or adults?
By Gabe Sanders Ph.D., NSCA-CSCS The term exergaming is derived from the advent of movement-based video games and is becoming more popular with virtual reality (VR) types of gaming.
Weight Loss and more restful sleep? Try Strength Training
By Gabe Sanders PhD, NSCA-CSCS Strength training improves sleep, which improves muscle health.
Cannabis and Exercise; Can it be a benefit?
By Gabe Sanders PhD, NSCA-CSCS Recent research suggests that exercise and cannabis may have its benefits, especially as it relates to enhancing a person’s motivation and enjoyment of exercise.
Debunking the myth: Fat does not turn in to muscle
By Gabe Sanders PhD, NSCA-CSCS It takes time to increase your muscle mass. In fact, the initial increase in strength that you may notice is primarily due to an improvement in neurological changes and not a direct increase in muscle mass.
Regular exercise slows down the effect of Dementia…Try this workout!
By Larnie Zellner Jr., BS, Exercise Specialist With regularly scheduled aerobic and strength training throughout your week, individuals with dementia can begin to take charge of controllable risk factors, and slow motor and cognitive decline. Try this workout!
Why the Glutes, Quads, and Hamstrings?
By Gabe Sanders PhD, NSCA-CSCS Strengthening your lower body is vital for your health for many reasons, including weight management, balance, core stability, low-back support, and more.
Is Total Body Training the best training?… YES!
By Gabe Sanders PhD, NSCA-CSCS In addition to cardio, you should work your total body by strengthening your legs, back, chest, shoulders, and abdominals. Then at the end of your workout, stretch your muscles for a complete total body workout.