Brandon Pollock PhD, ACSM-EP-C Researchers have even considered exercise a “polypill” ; because in addition to the many benefits in preventing/treating several mental diseases, it has the advantage of not generating adverse responses and of being a low cost alternative.
My Fitness Pal, Just an App or Maybe Not?
Brandon Pollock, PhD, ACSM-EP-C In my opinion, MyFitnessPal’s overall cleanliness, attention to details combined with the database size, diet log, exercise tracker, and daily reports put it at the top of calorie / fitness tracker apps currently available.
Precautions when exercising with Diabetes
By Brandon Pollock PhD, ACSM-EP-C According to the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), regular physical activity also improves your body’s sensitivity to insulin and promotes blood glucose uptake.
What are Considerations for Children Exercising, Heat?
By Brandon Pollock PhD, ACSM-EP-C It is very important that children/ young adults use extra precaution when choosing to exercise or perform any physical activity in the heat.
What are Considerations for Elderly exercising Heat?
By Brandon Pollock PhD, ACSM-EP-C Seniors with chronic illnesses such as heart disease should avoid exercising in heat if possible, but for seniors brave enough, here are some tips
Be Proactive “Know Your Numbers”
By Vicki Haywood Doe PhD, ACSM-EP Diagnosis is the first critical step in preventing the many health complications related to diabetes. There are 8.7 million who meet the criteria for having diabetes and are clueless about the fact that they are diabetic.