By Gabe Sanders PhD, NSCA-CSCS Do you find yourself questioning if cardio is better than lifting weights? Understanding the differences between these two types of exercise can help clarify which is more effective for building muscle and improving overall health.
Protective Cellular Effect of Exercise
By Gabe Sanders PhD, NSCA-CSCS Exciting new research has revealed exactly how physical activity sparks these benefits, mapping out the molecular pathways that are activated during exercise. It turns out, every time you move, your body is triggered to fight off aging, boost cell health, and keep you feeling stronger for longer.
What’s Better for Weight Loss Morning or Evening Exercise?
By Gabe Sanders PhD NSCA-CSCS Many people question if morning, midday, or evening exercise is best for weight loss and stress management.
Exercise, A Piece of the Puzzle for Depression Treatment
By Gabe Sanders Ph.D., NSCA-CSCS Absent prescription drugs, exercise is the best way to naturally boost serotonin levels and over time, can drastically improve symptoms associated with depression.
Exercise Training slows down Dementia, Get Moving!
By Gabe Sanders Ph.D., NSCA-CSCS Research suggests that both strength and aerobic exercise are beneficial in improving cognitive and physical function in dementia patients.
Does Minimum Exercise Result in Optimal Health? Not Really!
By Gabe Sanders Ph.D., NSCA-CSCS The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) recommends 150 minutes of moderately intense activity every week. This amount of exercise can help you, but will it optimize your health?
Olive oil and Exercise: A recipe for success
By Gabe Sanders Ph.D., NSCA-CSCS New research suggests the combination of olive oil and exercise can improve cardiovascular disease risk factors and overall body fat.
Weight Loss and more restful sleep? Try Strength Training
By Gabe Sanders PhD, NSCA-CSCS Strength training improves sleep, which improves muscle health.
At-home cardiac rehab for heart failure patients
By Jonathon Stavres PhD, ACSM-EP-C Research suggest that a regulated at-home exercise program can be extremely beneficial for people suffering from heart failure.